Having pets requires a commitment to care for them until they pass away. Many people don’t think about what’s going to happen if they pass away before their pets. If you’re a pet owner, now is the time to set things up so your pets can be cared for if you die.
One of the most important things you can do is to name someone who can care for your pet. You should discuss this with the person ahead of time so they know to expect a new pet. You can also provide them with information about the pet’s daily routine and care.
How can you financially care for a pet?
You can leave behind a pet trust that can pay for your pet’s care. It’s also possible that you can leave the person who’s caring for your pets a bank account through a Totten trust; however, there’s no guarantee that the funds will be used for your pet.
It’s a good idea to leave behind written instructions for the pet. This can include the type of food the pet eats, how often you usually feed it, and where to obtain veterinary care. The more information the person has for the pet, the better they can care for it.
All adults must ensure they have everything taken care of for their estate plan. This can often take a bit of work, so be sure you have someone on your side who’s familiar with your wishes and how to legally convey them. The sooner you get your estate plan in writing, the sooner you can have the peace of mind of knowing you did all you could to make things easier for your loved ones when you die.